25 October 2013 14:02 PM
UKIP`s vote fell by 50% in yesterday`s County Council by-election in Warnham and Rusper compared with its vote in the May local elections. In comparison the Conservative vote fell by 29.31% and the Lib Dem vote by 68.8%. Turnout at 20.08% was down by 33.2%.
Voting results with percentage share of the vote: Darrin Green - Green Party Stop Fracking Now - 119 votes (7.9), Carol Hayton – Labour Party - 65 votes (4.3), Liz Kitchen - The Conservative Party - 868 votes (58.2), Tony Millson - Liberal Democrats - 103 votes (6.9), Geoff Stevens - UKIP - 335 votes (22.4).
Winner, Liz Kitchen, is also Rusper and Colgate ward`s representative on Horsham Council.
Tags: Storrington