3 September 2013 17:25 PM
North Horsham Parish Council will meet on Monday the 9th of September to hear residents` views of Horsham Council`s plan to build 2500 homes, a business park, a school, a megastore and rail station on a greenfield site. The proposed 525-acre site lies north of the A246 from the Harwood Road roundabout in the east to just short of the bridge over the Dorking rail line to the west.
The district council`s Preferred Strategy document will be the only item on the agenda and the parish council`s “Public Forum‘ time will be extended. Speakers will be limited to three minutes.
The meeting, at North Heath Hall, will start at 7.30 and finish at 10.00pm. The hall`s seating capacity is 240 and when that is reached people will be turned away. If necessary, there will be further limited opportunities for the public to speak on the issue, at another meeting of the parish council on Monday 16th September at 7.30pm, again at North Heath Hall.
Tags: housing, jobs, new school, new rail station, business park, megastore