
More Houses on Existing Sites?

More Houses on Existing Sites?

13 January 2015 14:56 PM

In a move likely to please developers, Horsham Council is to look again at existing planned housing developments in the district to see if more houses can be built on these sites in order to comply with a report by a Government appointed planning inspector.

The inspector, appointed to exam the soundness of the council`s Horsham District Planning Framework, believes that the council should accommodate more new housing than in the plan. He favours concentration of growth around Horsham, Southwater and Billingshurst along with some development in other villages, in accordance with Neighbourhood Plans that are currently being produced. As a result, the council must consider its options for increasing its assessed number of 650 new homes per year to at least 750 to meet the Inspector’s requirement.

A report, with recommendations on where the additional new homes will be accommodated, will go to a council meeting on 18 March. Subject to council approval, consultation on the amendments to the strategy will take place between 23 March and 5 May. Detailed consultation on individual proposals will also take place during this time with any communities directly affected by the proposals.

Tags: housing, planning