
Cuts to Council funding

2 July 2013 08:19 AM

According to BBC reports, says Horsham District Council in a press release, the Government is set to announce a further 10% cut in council grants and is strongly hinting that these - in their traditional form anyway – will be entirely gone within five or six years!

The major new emphasis is on business growth and jobs and councils’ future funding will in future come far more from supporting a successful local economy.

Last Thursday, Horsham District Councillors attended a special economic workshop. It was run by a team of outside experts and aimed to give members a better understanding of how the Council will need to give great priority to measures that support and enhance the local business and employment.

The presentation gave details of how, without promoting a dynamic local economy, councils will find it increasingly difficult to fund existing services. It provided councillors with an understanding of the role of local economic development as well as how it is delivered at a national, sub national and local level.

Tags: horsham district council