Knit Hats for Smoothie Bottles!-Day 6

Wednesday 17 September 2014
The Big Knit - a knitting event to help raise funds for Age UK Horsham and District.
The knitted hats will be submitted to Innocent Drinks, who will donate 25p per hat and the behatted drinks will then be sold later in the year.
Bring along needles (spares can be supplied) and any spare wool.
A variety of patterns to choose from.
7.00pm-9.30pm - free. Refreshments supplied.
Sessions also on 15th July, 23th July (7.00pm-9.30pm), 18th August (7.00pm-9.30pm), 21st August and 9th September(10.00am-12.30pm).
Please call the Cloth Store to reserve a place.
The Cloth Store
24b Carfax
RH12 1EE
01403 211 786
[email protected]